Masters in Communication and Leadership
Teaching emphasis
The Masters program at Gonzaga University offered me a transformative educational experience that aligned with my personal philosophy of active teaching. Inspired by the Gonzaga learning structure, I was able to expand my educational and teaching portfolio through hands-on experiences. Gonzaga's Ignatian teaching principles emphasize the holistic development of students and the integration of knowledge with social responsibility. This approach resonates with my belief that education should extend beyond the classroom, empowering students to become active agents of change in their communities. I am excited to use the tools I have learned to teach and inspire others.
The contemporary graduate student is confronted with a diverse array of communication platforms, ranging from Zoom and TikTok to sound bites, interviews, and YouTube videos. This intersection of media presence, social media presence, and modern public speaking arenas offers an opportunity for a new type of public speaking class.Today’s student must navigate a modern audience who is conditioned to receive information in small, succinct packages. The competition for attention in our media soaked environment demands a curated presence, better visual aides, and authentic, personal messages. Recognizing these contemporary communication challenges, my thesis project focused on creating a graduate level asynchronous public speaking class with these intentions at the forefront.
Graduate Projects
Gonzaga University
Masters in Leadership & Communication with a teaching emphasis.
Northwestern University
B.S. in Theater, Musical Theater Certificate.
Honor role.
Gustvaus Adolphus College
Theater studies, piano and vocal studies.
Curriculum II Academic Honors Program.