Elevated communication skills transform students. When deep thinkers, soft talkers, or marginalized voices learn skills to express themselves, our world changes for the better. Education is one of the most important components of social reform and progress. A strong, equitable democracy starts with a teacher, inspiring a student, to speak out.

This two-week module is a sample of an eight-week online public speaking class that aims to empower voices by providing students with a combination of interactive activities, practical exercises, and supportive feedback. Read more
This sample lesson plan for a Public Speaking 101 class focuses on leveraging students' existing organic storytelling abilities to uncover their natural public speaking skills. By tapping into their innate storytelling talents, students will discover the valuable public speaking skills they already possess.
"Adrenaline is Your Superpower" explores anxiety control exercises comprising a variety of techniques and activities to assist students in managing and reducing anxiety levels effectively.
In this ten-minute microteach lesson focusing on communication styles, students will engage in a brainstorming activity to explore and identify different ways to communicate effectively. The goal is to encourage creative thinking and promote a broader understanding of the diverse methods of communication.